There are several ways to change the theme colour of an object. Currently, there is no way of updating the colours of multiple existing objects on your canvas. You will need to update the object colour individually. We will go over the following:


Change the theme colour of existing an object

  1. Double-click on the object. 
  2. From the top navigation bar of the pop-up, click on Customize
  3. Select a colour and click save.
    • Screenshot
    • Screenshot


Change the theme colour of new objects 

If you have existing objects on your canvas, the colour of the objects will not change. Only new objects that you add to the canvas will be using the new colour that you select. 

  1. Click on the gear icon above your canvas. 
    • Screenshot
  2. Select a theme colour and click save
    • Screenshot
  3. New objects that you add to your canvas will have the new colour.