If you have an unpaid invoice, you can pay it inside the customer center

  1. Go to Customer Center.
  2. Sign in using the magic link or use your email and password. The magic link will be sent to your email. 
  3. Once you log in, click on account settings button. 
  4. Next, click on subscriptions.
  5. On the right side, click on the page icon.
    • Screenshot_2023-03-29_at_5.41.21_PM.png
  6. Under due invoices section, click on the pay icon to pay the invoice.
    • Screenshot_2023-03-29_at_5.20.49_PM.png
  7. A payment form will open where you can pay the invoice with your current card or add a new credit card.

    • Screenshot_2023-03-29_at_5.45.38_PM.png

Paying For Past Due Invoice Through Email

If your card has declined for your subscription you will receive an email where you will be able to pay. 

The email will come from [email protected] and will include the payment amount owned. You can make a payment from the email by clicking on try again on the bottom as in the image below. 

  • Screenshot_2023-03-29_at_5.25.21_PM.png

This will open a payment form where you can add a new card or use one of your current cards to make a payment.